Supporting families who have suffered the loss of a child or have a child living with medical complexities

Supporting families who have suffered the loss of a child or have a child living with medical complexities

Supporting families who have suffered the loss of a child or have a child living with medical complexities

Company Giving

Everybody has something to bring to Reuben’s Retreat

We can’t continue to do what we do without the amazing support of our local business community! Here’s how you can help us and be part of our journey…

Your help means that we can continue to provide essential support for both families of child loss and families of children living with medical complexities, through support groups, counselling, tailored activities, advice and resources.

Company Giving for Reuben’s Retreat takes many forms.  Read on to see how you can get involved.

Volunteering for Reuben's Retreat

Ways to Give

There are so many ways that your company can help to support Reuben’s Retreat. Here are just a few: 

CSR ‘Give Back Days’

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Donate From Your Salary

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Sponsor Events

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From runs to walks, afternoon teas and charity balls

there are plently of events your company can sponsor and have some fun whilst helping to raise funds

Contact us!

If you have any questions about company giving, please get in touch.

You can also call us on 01457 680 023 or message us via our social media @reubensretreat

We'd love to keep you updated about our family support work and upcoming events. Please let us know how you would like to hear from us

Reuben’s Retreat

The Lodge at Reuben’s, Park Crescent, Glossop, SK13 7BQ

Suite 4, St Michaels Court, Stamford Street Central, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 6XN

Tel:  01457 680 023


Reuben’s Retreat is a registered charity in England and Wales (1150436) I Registered company (08292532)

All images and stories may not be reproduced without expressed written permission. All rights reserved © 2021Reuben’s Retreat.

Thank you to digitalsea for hosting our website, we are forever grateful.