Supporting families who have suffered the loss of a child or have a child living with medical complexities

Supporting families who have suffered the loss of a child or have a child living with medical complexities

This year for #WorldMentalHealthDay we shared a special and beautiful project that we have been working on with The Worry Wizard.
We teamed together with the help of an amazing group to develop an animated film, which will help children and adults explore together key themes in both grief and loss and supporting a child with their worries.
In ‘Together Not Alone’, you will meet Ella and her friends who love spending time together. But one day, Ella stops coming out to play. Someone she loves has died. Ella’s friends feel lost. What can they say or do to let Ella know they are still there for her?
We would love you to watch our animation, before enjoying the activities within our toolkit. Each activity draws out key themes in the animation, offering a gentle, fun, and imaginative way to explore the story and nurture emotional connection with children.

Download the toolkit

Amy, The Worry Wizard Founder said:

“It’s so exciting to share this with our Worry Wizard Community. With your help, we can make sure ‘Together Not Alone’ journeys far and wide, reaching the children and adults who need it most.

When you’ve read our Toolkit and watched ‘Together Not Alone’ (and taken a moment for you ), we would love to hear your thoughts. Sending Wellbeing wishes from me to you, Amy (aka The Worry Wizard)”

This animation project was generously funded by Cheshire Community Foundation for The Worry Wizard. Working in collaboration with us and Rose’s Way Foundation, supported by the brilliant Young Storyhouse, and with original music by the magical Amy Wadge.

We were excited to premiere the animation here at the Retreat on the 10th with our friends The Worry Wizard & Rose’s Way Foundation. 

Pictured left to right, are: Andrew and Catherine Jeans, of Rose’s Way Foundation; Nicola Graham, of Reuben’s Retreat; and Amy Smythe, of The Worry Wizard..

Our founder and CEO Nicola said:

“It is an absolute honour to be supported by, and be given the wonderful opportunity, to offer support to our magic friend The worry wizard. This short animation is gentle, fun and unassuming in its approach. It offers up the vital opening for little people to explore their feelings around grief and loss.

The toolkit expertly weaves in the essential guidance for a grown up to feel comfortable and confident in its delivery. These uncomfortable conversations are so important to little people when they are hurting and don’t always understand why someone has disappeared from their lives, especially when it’s a permanent #miss. A beautiful gift of sharing to help others. I encourage everyone to step inside and look at this magic project”


We would love your feedback! Please help to share it with us in the comments or on YouTube.